Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Eriksons Theory Essay Example for Free
Eriksons Theory Essay When discussing the development theory, Erikson had been the frontier with many major contributions. Unlike Freud and Piaget, Erikson’s theory of development focused much more on social interactions. While most of us agreed that children do become toilet-trained between ages one and three, Erikson’s theory also went further to acknowledge that children also learn to talk, walk, feed themselves, etc. In order to understand Erikson’s theory of development, we need to focus on three main principles: dynamic balance of opposites, vital involvement and life in time. Dynamic balance of opposites: There are two opposing tendencies in dynamic balance of opposites: dystonic (negative) and syntonic (positive). Erikson believed there were eight stages, and at each one, the individual resolved a crisis between the positive (syntonic) and negative (dystonic) tendencies (Erikson Kivnick 1986). A resolution of crisis does not mean that a person rejects either syntonic or dystonic completely, but rather that a person should find a balance between two of those tendencies. For instance, our American culture has frequently taught parents to never say â€Å"no†to their children because that could potentially damage a child’s self-esteem. However, Erikson would disagree and say that children do need to hear â€Å"no†sometimes to understand that the whole world does not revolve around them. Erikson would also say that telling the child â€Å"no†all of the time is bad as well. Vital involvement depends on the balance of syntonic and dystonic tendencies. Vital Involvement: Erikson developed eight stages of development. First, the trust versus mistrust stage, where infants start to learn that either the world is good and can be trusted, or is bad and can’t be trusted (Erikson 1986). For instance, Erikson would state that babies learn to trust their caregivers for not letting them go hungry, but babies also learn to mistrust their caregivers for yelling at them and not feeding them consistently. Second, the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage where children learn about their own â€Å"selves†which is separate from their caregivers (Erikson 1986). In this stage, children usually develop their own will and desires and apply them well by saying â€Å"no†. When children start to feel comfortable using â€Å"no†as a way to reach their desires, they have reached the initiative versus guilt stage. In this stage, children learn to internalize values from the elder and also acquire the sense of guilt for wrongdoing. The next stage is industry versus inferiority where children explore the greater world in elementary school and their surroundings. Erikson did pay a lot of attention in the identity versus confusion stage because it focuses on adolescents and their identity crisis. Fidelity is the heart of identity because adolescents share some of their parent’s values, as well as develop their own. The last three stages include intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and integrity versus despair. Each of these stages focuses greatly on the continuity of human development until death. Erikson recognized that there are certain time periods when it might be easier for some to develop and harder for others to develop, depending on the environment that influence them. For instance, some children who faced hardships (family separation, family violence, etc.) might have trouble in certain stages or even all of the stages, depending on where the factors start. Life in time: Erikson referred to his theory of development as epigenesis. Epigenesis is relevant to evolution (the past and the future) and genetics. Erikson explained, â€Å"†¦epi can mean ‘above’ in space as well as ‘before’ in time, and connected with genesis can well represent the space-time nature of all development†(Erikson 1986). Erikson did not refer epigenetic to individual genetic make-up and how it influences individual development. Rather, Erikson was concerned with how personality and behavior is influenced after birth and so on. For instance, my mother has had a hard time adjusting with American culture when we first migrated here from Vietnam. My sister and I started to adapt to the new culture right awayâ€â€from clothing style, hairstyle, hobbies, etc. in which my mother had a very difficult time to accept. She wanted us to keep our traditional customs at home, as well as outside our home. At first, we felt reluctant because we felt she did not understand the importance of â€Å"fitting-in†at school. However, as we started college, my sister and I started to realize that our culture and traditions are unique and understand where my mother was coming from (Identity/ confusion stage). Conclusion: Erikson had dedicated his life by contributing to developmental psychology in major ways. Erikson’s theory of development is still widely used and studied by many scholars.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change
Global Warming The 19th as well as the 20th century have been the most prolific time periods in modern history as concerns science, technology and socio-economic development. Within these two centuries we witnessed the discovery of electricity, the invention of the engine which played a very important role in the maturity of the well-known industrial revolution. Through this revolution people began to live in a more decent and comfortable manner; new commodities were produced and entire new kinds of industry were developed. Although all these inventions, discoveries and scientific breakthroughs improved in an outstanding way our well-being, they also provided us with some troubles that scientists had never foreseen or even imagined. One of the major setbacks of this technological evolution is the change of the World’s climate: the so-called Global Warming. Global warming is a very strange phenomenon which consists in the increase of the World’s average temperature. Scientists after very precise historical observations and measurements have reached the conclusion that the global average temperature has increased by about 0.5 degree centigrade over the past 100 years. The likelihood that this global warming is due primarily to natural variability is low. Scientists believe that this global warming trend is a direct consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect. The notion of an "enhanced" greenhouse effect refers primarily to the incremental global warming caused by the rising concentrations of human-introduced greenhouse gases over and above the greenhouse effect caused by naturally occurring greenhouse gases. Although there exist large uncertainties, scientists suggest that the emissions of greenhouse gases could, by the end of the next century, lead to an increase in global temperatures of about 1 to 4 degree centigrade. This global warming tendency can cause a significant worldwide climate change. Human society is highly dependent on the Earth's climate. Climate patterns and human adaptations determine the availability of food, fresh water, and other resources for sustaining life. The social and economic characteristics of society have also been shaped largely by adapting to the seasonal and year-to-year patterns of temperature and rainfall. Some potential effects associated with climate change concern, first of all, the water resources. The qu... ...g from December 1 to 11, 1997, more than 160 nations met in Kyoto, Japan, to negotiate binding limitations on greenhouse gases for the developed nations, pursuant to the objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992. The outcome of the meeting was the Kyoto Protocol, in which the developed nations agreed to limit their greenhouse gas emissions, relative to the levels emitted in 1990. The agreement calls on both developed and developing countries to take a number of steps including: formulating and implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation measures; cooperating in development and transfer of environmentally reliable, climate friendly technologies; and cooperating in research and observation of climate science, impacts and response strategies. As a conclusion I would like to say that scientific and industrial advance can be of great help in order to improve and develop our every day life as well as our society but on the other hand can be offensive and even destructive towards our future. I think we should support any effort that is made for enriching our knowledge and expertise without however compromise our future and the future of our children.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay
My philosophy in nursing is the devotion to deliver the utmost personal patient care I am capable of delivering to the ill, may it be physically, mentally, or emotional, as well as to the challenged in time of need. In order to define my philosophy of nursing, I had to take time out and re-examine my value system, and my beliefs. As I think about it I know I am a caring and compassionate nurse. I reminisced back to the late 70’s, my upbringing in foreign countries and having been exposed to diverse cultures, I quickly learned to revert back to the customs instilled in me by my parents and family. My mores and values of caring with my dedication indeed make a difference. With this valued exposure in my young life, these core values of nursing the beliefs instilled in me were defined by family and friends and peers and my personal as well as professional growth which made me the person I am today. Chitty defines philosophy as â€Å"philosophy is the study of principles underlying conduct, thought, and the nature of the universe†(p. 31), and Merriam-Webster more clearly defines states â€Å"pursuit of wisdom, the search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather the observational needs†(online dictionary). That’s me. I strongly belief in modern medicine and the advancements in technology, therefore it is crucial for me to keep up on current trends, translate procedures, the use of new equipment and what to expect for my patients. I respect the patient’s autonomy and their ethical behaviors. With empathy and care, I am their advocate; I am their voice when he/she is unable to speak, it is my therapeutic touch they feel and I am part of their treatment team. It is my commitment to my patient, to the organization, and my value system. I believe in the mandatory continuing education process for nurses. In order to deliver proficient patient care it is of utmost importance to me in order to remain educated on current research and trends. Keeping up with federal regulations on HIPAA gives me the power to educate my patient and to assure them that their privacy is protected and secured. The updates from the Center of Disease Control allow me to deliver the appropriate care patient specific and as well as protect my self from exposures. I am able to explain to my patient why I am wearing a mask, a gown, or why I am red-bagging all his linens. The patient does indeed ask â€Å"silent questions†being observant by their facial expressions I can be honest and educated with my rationales. I also belief in holistic nursing; encompassing, and â€Å"nourishing the whole person, that is the body, mind and spirit†(Chitty, 2007, p 312) as well as in holistic medicine â€Å"nontraditional forms of medicine that consider the whole person rather the disease or groups of diseased organs, it also considers the body, mind, emotion, spirit connection†(Powell, p 504). It is my responsibility in incorporate gained knowledge, skills, and resources to improve my patient’s quality of life. I strongly feel and believe that every person should be covered under universal Health Care. However, Governmental constraints along with guidelines and monetary reimbursements do not allow for additional hospital stays. I am the advocate for my patient, and as a Case Manager, I will assure that to find assistance for the patient to have someone caring for him/her at home due to early discharge. We, society, neglect to accept the reality that our patient population is getting older and their healthcare needs are more serious and demanding. I realize that professional nursing draws upon the related disciplines of natural and social sciences and humanities, and it is my contribution as a nurse to the best of my abilities to facilitate maximum functional health status for my patient by collaborating with the treatment team, families, groups and the community. It is my duty and commitment as a nurse to uphold my philosophy of nursing. I continue to evaluate my mores and values and seek to continue my education, I will advocate for my patient. I will continue to care for myself, to adhere to healthy lifestyle practices and to maintain my physical, mental and emotional health in order to continue to provide care to my patients with dignity and respect. References Chitty, K.K. (2007). Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges (5th ed.). St. Louis: ElsevierInc. Retrieved October 3, 2008 from University of Phoenix Library. Philosophy: (2008). In Merriam-Webster online Dictionary. Retrieved October 2, 2008, from http:///, S.K. (2000) Nursing Case Management: A practical guide to success in managed care(2nd ed.), Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Nike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies - 693 Words
Nike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies Figure 1 - Nike Sports Performance Laboratory (Nelab, 2012) Nike is the worlds largest sports and fitness companies, earning fourteen billion dollars in revenue and has one of the worlds most identifiable logos the swoosh (Financial Review, N.d.). Research and development is conducted by the Nike Sports Research Laboratory (NSRL) and is located on the Nike campus in Portland, Oregon. At this facility, Nike engineers study all facets of athletes and their performance to produce models that help them in RD (Hooge, 2011). Nike continues to push the envelope in regards to maximizing athlete performance through the goods they engineer and produce. With some many competitors in the athletic performance equipment industry, imitation is often a common strategy for many companies. Therefore for Nike to maintain its competitive advantage it must invest heavily in research and development, market positioning, and marketing (Buderi, N.d.). Nikes products must stay ahead of the competition in ter ms of quality and design or else they will not have to be able to maintain their differentiation strategy and lose their premium pricing status in the marketplace. Nike is constantly conducting organization research and evaluation management to analyze it position and for use in decision making (Burress, 2011). Not only does the company have access to some of the business worlds top talent, but it also has a staff of professional athletesShow MoreRelatedAssignment For Unit 10 Market Research 1119 Words  | 5 Pagescarry out research 4 Be able to interpret research findings VOCATIONAL CONTEXT/SCENARIO FOR ASSIGNMENT (See specification guidance) JD Sports have negotiated a potentially profitable deal with Nike. Nike will supply at lower than normal prices to JD Sports a range of â€Å"Classic†trainers such as the Nike Air Flight Classic if they buy in quantity. 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