Friday, August 28, 2020
Design and Media Art- Media Histories Class Assignment Essay
Structure and Media Art-Media Histories Class Assignment - Essay Example An examination of the Western entrepreneur social orders and their progressions was created by a German-American gathering of scholars known as the Frankfurt School (Adorno 43). They were among the most punctual makers of records in social speculations on the noteworthiness of mass correspondence and culture in social mastery and generation (Buck-Morss 12). They additionally created the underlying models of basic examinations dissecting the strategies of social creation and the gathering of the crowd. The studio crowd knows about the situation from which the demonstration may not be recognized promptly as illusionary, yet such a possibility isn't there for a scene of a film during the time spent being shot. It has the illusionary idea of a second degree that outcomes from cutting. The mechanical gear gave by industrialization has penetrated profoundly enough into reality to such an extent that its unadulterated perspective is discharged from the remote quintessence of the hardware th rough the shooting strategy. The mix of passionate and visual satisfaction portrays the dynamic response of the crowd. The component of gear free reality turned into the ideal degree of ingenuity. Quick reality turned into an estimated component as innovation progressed. During the 1930s, a basic methodology was created by the Frankfurt school towards correspondence and social investigations. It consolidated literary investigation and examination of ideological and social impacts. To this end, they thought of the expression culture industry to allude to the industrialization procedure of culture delivered in mass just as the business need that impelled the framework. Scholars who condemned mass interceded social works in the viewpoint of modern creation asserted they depicted comparative highlights as all different mass delivered items. Be that as it may, the way of life ventures of the Frankfurt school held a particular job of giving ideologically authentic hypotheses of the entrep reneur societies’ presence and incorporating craftsmanship into its people’s ways of life (Buck-Morss 16). With industrialization delivering progressively flexible cameras, the contrast between crafted by a painter and a cameraman were likewise comprehended on various levels. While there exists a characteristic separation between a painter’s work and reality, a cameraman can infiltrate scenes all the more profoundly. The painter’s item might be named as a complete item, while the cameraman’s is comprised of various fragments amassed through another law. In this way, after industrialization, present day man finds the truth spoke to by film better than that depicted by a painter. The nitty gritty entrance of reality mechanical hardware is equipped for accomplishing offers the truth in a viewpoint that contemporary man feels qualified for request from fine art (Hopkinson 27). As the Frankfurt school advanced the mass and homogeneous creation of media through its way of life industry model, more models were created including those by Walter Benjamin and Ernst Bloch (Fabian and Adam 19). Be that as it may, the way of life industry verbalized the critical social jobs media culture played by giving a monetarily and actually propelled model. It assumed a key job in ideological proliferation and how today is seen to serve the necessities of people and corporate interests. Question Two Although the camera obscura’s qualities were seen in the Western world and China in the sixteenth century, the electronic and printed types of pictures delivered by cameras turned into a typical and generally utilized method of stirring feelings and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay on Yoga Day Essays
Exposition on Yoga Day Essays Exposition on Yoga Day Essay Exposition on Yoga Day Essay I strolled in the room on my first day of yoga class and soon enough the inspiration was apparent . The air was pregnant with serenity which was important for a situation being arrangement for a progression of brain animating activities. The yoga educator, who had an incredibly proportional body, began with a normal which got one of my top choices all through the semester. Intended to sooth the pressure in your lower back, the feline stretch colossally improved my stance which thus helped me dispose of a couple back issues that I had been managing as of late. Adjusting the spine with the four appendages level on the floor, we were instructed to put our body in a feline like posture while breathing profoundly. Another normal which had a useful fortifying impact on my thighs was the mountain present or â€Å"tadasana†. Like most other yoga works out, it professes to improve one’s stance as well as assists with diminishing sciatica too. We were guided to stay the wads of the feet on the floor and afterward to lift the body up. The thighs were the primary focal point of this everyday practice, were kept firm while pushing the sternum up towards the roof, with arms holding tight the side like that of a cloth doll. The posture was to be kept up for around thirty seconds to a moment. One of the old style yoga represents, the cobra present or â€Å"bhujangasana†did miracles to alleviate pressure and weariness which had been containing inside my body consistently. It made my back progressively upstanding and had a firm extending impact on my shoulders and chest. This specific posture made all the members lay chest down on the floor and pointed on pushing the sternum upwards. This posture, we were told, was remedial for respiratory issues, for example, asthma and for expanded measure of blood flow. The plane posture meant to condition the midsection, was quite inviting for me as I had been attempting to dispose of some additional fat here. It assisted with invigorating the muscles of my back and spine. We were coordinated to stand erectly and to follow by lifting up one leg, with the chest corresponding to the floor and arms held out like wings of a plane. This worked like enchantment on my abs in light of the fact that toward the finish of the semester, I saw pleasantly conditioned up abs which I was hugely overjoyed about. That, however my lower legs likewise felt a lot more grounded to shoulder the heaviness of my body. Over the entirety of my experience doing yoga was inestimably compensating as I wound up with an upstanding, solid stance and the couple of moments of contemplation regular caused me to consider the amount I had overlooked myself in the previous hardly any months. I was altogether restored and ecstatically in harmony, both genuinely and intellectually. References Carillo A. , Neuhaus E. , (2005), Iron Yoga: Combine Yoga and Strength Training for Weight Loss and Total Body Fitness. USA: Rodale, 137-140. Simpkins, C. A. , Simpkins A. , (2003), Yoga Basics. Boston, MA: Tuttle. Watts, A. (1983). Help for Hay Fever. Yoga Journal, 50, 25-26. Plane Pose Exercise Demonstration. (2010). In Spark People Retrieved May 31, 2010 from sparkpeople. com/asset/works out. asp? exercise=118 Feline posture (2010) Yoga Journal Retrieved May 30, 2010 from yogajournal. com/presents/2468
Friday, August 21, 2020
IP 2 - Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IP 2 - Art - Essay Example The sphinx was crushed into pieces by Hatshepsut’s replacement and cousin, however it was later reassembled the Metropolitan Museum of craftsmanship in New York, where it is visible in display 131. The Statuette of Eros delineates a winged Eros, wearing Herakles’ lion skin. The sculpture’s measurements are 39.4 cm x 26.7cm x 16.5 cm. The stone worker utilized earthenware (mud based artistic) to create this perfect work of art, thinking back to the first Century B.C. The statuette has a place with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Notwithstanding, the Statuette of Eros isn't visible. The figure is somewhat moving in light of the fact that Eros’s left hand is expanded while his deserted hand is shrouded his back. Ero’s pose shows that he is standing, yet the arms show that there might be little developments. Ero’s wears a lion skin that covers him head to toe. There are hints of red on his chest, maybe from the lion’s blood. Eros wear a circlet to his left side thigh and an arm band on his upper left arm. The model catches the watcher since it depicts Eros as Herakles. The Statuette is rotund, delightful (wings and trimmings), and enticing . Heracles of Mantinea or Heracles Combattant is a strong portrayal of Heracles in real life. The little structure is a portrayal of antiquated Greek workmanship and was etched between the fifth and fourth hundreds of years B.C. The figure is made out of bronze and is 13 cm tall. The model is situated in the Room 22, Sully Wing of the Louver Museum in Paris. Be that as it may, the room is at present not open to general society. The little bronze speaks to an unshaven man who gives off an impression of being taking a lurch with his left foot. Heracles’ right arm is raised behind his head (as though snatching his legendary club), while his left arm is extended forward (as though fastening something/somebody). The previously mentioned characteristics, alongside the ground-breaking musculature, are a reasonable sign that the figure is a portrayal of the Greek legend
Friday, May 15, 2020
Recidivism in the United States Criminal Justice System Essay
Recidivism in the United States Criminal Justice System An ongoing and increasingly evident issue in the criminal justice system is how convicted individuals reenter society with little or no gradual process. These individuals often resort back to criminal activity in an act termed recidivism. According to the National institute of Justice(NIJ), recidivism â€Å"refers to a person’s relapse into criminal behavior, often after the person receives sanctions or undergoes intervention for a previous crime†(National Institute of Justice, 2012). This process often involves individuals committing more serious criminal offenses than in their prior offenses. Is there any way in which the criminal justice system can be altered so as to either†¦show more content†¦Most studies vary on the rate of recidivism amongst releasees. This is mainly due to where the studies take place, the sample size of the study, and when the study takes place. A popular study often referenced to by sociologists and criminologists when studyi ng recidivism rates is one that was conducted in 1994 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The sample of this study consisted on over 272,000 released individuals in 15 states. According to the study, over 67% of the individuals were rearrested, 47% were re-convicted, and 25% were re-sentenced to prison for the new crime (Langan Levin, 1994). James Henslin breaks the study of re-entry into the correctional system down into even more by stating that 40-45% individuals relapse within one year of release, while 66-68% relapse within three years of release (Henslin). The image below illustrates the recidivism rates in United States prisons by each crime. ï ¿ ¼ As one can see, the recidivism rates decrease with the severity of the original criminal act. This is simply explained by the fact that by committing a more serious crime at first, the prison sentence will be much longer. In cases such as murder, many individuals will never be released from prison due to life sentences orShow MoreRelatedThe Goal of the United States Criminal Justice System794 Words  | 4 Pages Within the United States Criminal Justice System, it is not only goal to simply punish those who break the law, but to also reduce the level of criminal activity. In order to fulfill this important aspect of the Criminal Justice System, offenders must be rehabilitated and motivated to refrain from engaging in further criminal activity so that they do not return to prison. Since the early 1990’s, our country’s crime rate has been declining. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Handmaids Tale As A Feminist Novel Essay - 1536 Words
Governments can rise and fall overnight and change can happen in the blink of an eye, nothing lasts forever. Margaret Atwood learned this from living through WWII and the Cold War. When writing her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, she used real events and laws that had previously occurred in history. The Republic of Gilead is a dystopian society where contraceptives, syphilis, AIDS, pollution, nuclear plant accidents, chemical and biological warfare, and poor toxic waste disposal caused infertility which lead to a shrinkage in population. Gilead is based on seventeenth century puritan roots and is run by conservative religious extremists, who believe men should be the ones in power and woman should be oppressed and enslaved, and are only of†¦show more content†¦The handmaids are only there to help the commanders and their wives as said by Offred, â€Å"We are for breeding purposes: we aren’t concubines, geisha girls, courtesans. On the contrary: everything possible has been done to remove us from that category. There is supposed to be nothing entertaining about us, no room is to be permitted for the flowering of secret lusts; no special favors are to be wheedled, by them or us, there are to be no toeholds for love. We are two-legged wombs, that’s all: sacred vessels, ambulatory chalices†(Atwood 136). Marthas are the ones who do the house hold chores and are helped sometimes by the handmaids. The Aunts are true believers and are responsible for the teachings and brainwashing of the recently captured women brought to Gilead. They are charged with molding women and forcing them to conform to their ways through mental and physical abuse so they do not rebel or run away. They make women think so poorly of themselves that they resign themselves to their fate as a handmaid, and even make them believe that the situation they are in is their own fault. One of the Aunts states this to the women in the Red Center, â€Å"This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary†(Atwood 33). They are willing to go to extremes in Gilead to make sure their ways are followed. Next, the narrator in any story is very important as it is in their point of view thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on Feminist Ideas in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale1199 Words  | 5 PagesFeminist Ideas in Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale For this essay, we focused strictly on critics reactions to Margaret Atwoods The Handmaids Tale. For the most part, we found two separate opinions about The Handmaids Tale, concerning feminism. One opinion is that it is a feminist novel, and the opposing opinion that it is not. Feminism: A doctrine advocating social, political, and economic rights for women equal to those of men as recorded in Websters Dictionary. This topic is prevalentRead MoreMargaret Atwood s The Handmaid s Tale1345 Words  | 6 PagesMetaphor in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale†by Sonia Chadha compares the treatment of women in society to the treatment of women in The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. Chadha’s essay leaves her readers in a state of bewilderment after only a few pages. Her disorganized structure and repetitive subjects are only a couple reasons of why this essay is an absolute mess. Chadha’s essay is all over the place and only shows one-side of the argument. Overall, this essay was poorly written and very repetitveRead MoreToni Morrison And Virginia Woolfs The Bluest Eye1629 Words  | 7 Pagesfact, made a tremendous impact on society and sculpted the way we see things in the world today. Toni Morrison, author of The Bluest Eye, challenged the Essentialists’ claim by making a novel about racism, and how it affected African American culture in the 20th century. Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale, challenged this notion by addressing issues about sexual violence and political issues, except in the shape of an extremist and dystopian world. Moreover, Virginia Woolf, author of ToRead MoreMargaret Atwood : A Social Activist1225 Words  | 5 PagesMargaret Atwood: a Social Activist Through Feminist Literature The 1980s signified the continuation of an era of social and political upheaval in the United States of America. At the forefront was a socially conservative agenda that aimed to rescind women’s rights only ratified less than a decade before, a marked display of the nation’s desire to uphold traditional values that defined the preceding generation (Franà §oise). Among the devastating political climate, however, was Margaret Atwood:Read MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1249 Words  | 5 PagesDystopian Research Essay: The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood In the words of Erika Gottlieb With control of the past comes domination of the future. A dystopia reflects and discusses major tendencies in contemporary society. The Handmaid s Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in 1985. The novel follows its protagonist Offred as she lives in a society focused on physical and spiritual oppression of the female identity. Within The Handmaid s Tale it is evident that through theRead MoreThe Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood Essay2490 Words  | 10 PagesIn the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from,†(Atwood 24). The Handmaid’s Tale, written by Margaret Atwood, is a novel set in the near future where societal roles have severely changed. The most notable change is that concerning women. Whereas, in the past, women have been gaining rights and earning more â€Å"freedom to’s†, the women in the society of The Handmaid’s Tale have â€Å"freedom froms†. They have the freedom from being abused and having sexist phrases yelled atRead MoreAsd Asdf Oeer2098 Words  | 9 PagesStudy Guides and Literature Essays Editing Services College Application Essays Writing Help Q A Lesson Plans Home : The Handmaids Tale : Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of V: Nap - VI: Household The Handmaids Tale Summary and Analysis by Margaret Atwood Buy PDFBuy Paperback V: Nap - VI: Household Summary This section begins with Offred simply sitting alone, waiting. She had not been prepared for all this stillness, all of this boredom. She thinks about experimentsRead MoreThe Great Gatsby And The Handmaid s Tale : Crushing Dreams2951 Words  | 12 PagesRilye Fries Mrs. Tucker English 12 hour 3 13 March 2015 The Great Gatsby and The Handmaid’s Tale: Crushing Dreams The Great Gatsby is regarded as a classic novel for its sad and hopeful story of Jay Gatsby and his quest to obtain Daisy Buchanan, his first love. Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid s Tale is regarded as a more modern day classic, taking place in a dystopian society where women are regarded as sex slaves and the Bible is law. Both F. Scott Fitzgerald and Margaret Atwood, despite havingRead MoreThe Handmaids Tale By Margaret Atwood And Brave New World1498 Words  | 6 Pages The Handmaids tale by Margaret Atwood and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley are both dystopian fiction novels. In both novels all the aspects of society are controlled by the government. In Brave New World Characters in the novel are kept happy through drugs and society’s roles are determined depending on the genetics and lack of education. However in Handmaids Tale characters are controlled by secret police and very strict social rules and societal roles are determined by your lack of reproductiveRead MoreThe Importance of Memory in Margaret Atwoods Handmaids Tale.2058 Words  | 9 PagesFor this essay I aim to show the importance of memory and of remembering the past in The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. The Handmaid’s Tale is a ‘speculative fiction’ first published in 1985 but set in the early 2000s. The novel was in response to changes in US politics with the emergence of Christian fundamentalism, the New Right. Atwood believed that society was going wrong and wrote this savage satire, similar to Jonathan Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’, depicting a dystopia which she uses as
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of Marketing Environment of Virgin Australia
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Environment of Virgin Australia. Answer: Introduction: The main purpose of the performing the situational analysis of the Virgin Australia is to gain insight in to the product, market place, distribution trends and for this the various elements of competitions, macro environmental situation, products are exploited. Analyzing the situation of Virgin Australia would help in offering the correct product because of assessing the market rigorously (Chan, 2012). The SWOT analysis is to be performed to evaluate the situation. The analysis and investigation of the current market environment in which Virgin Australia operates is also performed. The Game change strategic plan of Virgin Australia comprised of activities that makes it different from the incumbent airline. This is essential for the company to gain competitive advantage over its competitors. The vision of the company and the objective of the strategy of game change are to make improvement in the cost margins when it comes to operating the full service airline (, 201 6). The situational analysis of the virgin Australia is conducted using the tools of SWOT that is strength, weakness, opportunity and Threat of the airline. This would give the insight in to the business and the operation of the company (Grant, 2016). Performing the swot analysis would provide the competitive advantage over its competitors. The strength, weakness, threat and opportunity is listed as follows: Strength of Virgin Australia: Higher growth rate the company has been focused on delivering the goals and has been able to provide the sustainable returns to its shareholders. Lower labor costs- the airline company enjoys advantage when it comes to the labor costs, which is one of the strength. Domestic market- the domestic business of the company has become profitable and the local market has improved rapidly. The lower fuel price is provoking the growth in the domestic demand. Weakness of Virgin Australia: Productivity- The productivity of the airline has reduced in the recent year as the service has become more centered to the specific customers. Future profits- Opportunity: New products and services- the loyalty of the customers can be increased and the satisfaction of the customers is increased by introducing the services, which is new to the industry. Growing demand- there is a growing demand of the airline industry and this provides the company an opportunity to expand the business. Growing economy- the economy of the Australia is ever growing and it would be consistent with the growth of the company. Threats: Changing price- the company has to control the volatility of the price changes, which affects the financial statement of the company and the revenue. The volatility of the price is a threat to the company. Growing competition- the virgin Australia is not core to the international business and the business was internationally unprofitable. The threat comes from the other airlines such as Qantas. Increasing cost of raw material- the cost base of the virgin Australia has increased and this has resulted from the transformation and the move up of the market has naturally added up the costs. The performing of the SWOT analysis would help in depicting the environmental factors and this would help in identifying the areas of strategizing using different methods. The poor profit is a current concern for Virgin Australia and the company has taken a narrow scope of the view of its business opportunities. This is due to the service squeeze and the price issues that come from its competitors. The dual focus of maintain the cost and the differentiation strategy has led the company to gain popularity. The company intends to expand the portfolio of its existing product rather than adding the product. However, the main thrust of the strategy is to explore the new market where it would have a brand name and help in creating the competitive advantage (GRIN - Virgin Australia: Situation analysis of the Game Change strategic plan 2016). The internal environmental analysis of the Virgin Australia is depicted with value chain diagram. Environmental analysis of Virgin Australia Source: (created by author) The virgin Australia has a competitive advantage in the human resource management and this is mainly in regard with the training and recruitment of the customer facing staff. One of the untapped advantages of the company is in area of Brand promotion. The area of advertising and promotion would act as strength for the Virgin in the future. In respect of the yield management, the competitive disadvantage is the most significant for the company (Farabi, 2012). The virgin Australia has an advantage when it comes to servicing the customers and this happens through the lowering of the costs and it is with the help of electronic booking and the other measures. However, the company is lagging in its ability to maximize the savings of the fuel as this would lead to the short-term competitive advantage to the company. The capability of the company delivering the great product has made it secured and is a regular winner for the award of the customer service. Some of the cost reduction strategies are fitting with the context of the companys target of saving and making the use of fuel efficiently (Grant, 2016). The strategy of eliminating the routes, which are not efficient. Usage of the technology to improve the lounges for check in. The strategy to rationalize and redeploy the staffs is the ways of managing the human resource, which is consistent with the ongoing strength as depicted by the value chain. The company strategies to make the check in system online and automated (Hubbard et al., 2014). The main problem of the Virgin Australia is the marketing problem and this calls for the market to be sensitive to the female, male and the leisure travelers. Some of the marketing styles needs to be avoided by the Virgin are not using the predominantly female personal assistant and the gatekeepers. In this context, the company has followed the strategy of promoting the brand through the platform of social media and the word of mouth. Reference: Chan, K. M. (2012). Virgin Australia: Situation analysis of the Game Changestrategic plan. Farabi, Y. (2012).Analysis of Marketing Environment of Virgin Australia. GRIN Verlag. Grant, R. M. (2016).Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. GRIN - Virgin Australia: Situation analysis of the Game Change strategic plan. 2016 Retrieved 23 August 2016, from Hubbard, G., Rice, J., Galvin, P. (2014).Strategic management. Pearson Australia. Retrieved 23 August 2016, from
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
essay louder than bomb Essays - Marvel Comics Characters
Almis Mohamed Mr. Barghout ENG3U1-06 MAY 11, 2018 Louder Than A Bomb: Nova Venerable essay In the documentary louder than a bomb, there were many enthralling characters each with their own story to tell. Nova Venerable is one of the main characters in the documentary that caught my attention. In other words, her characteristics is what stood out to me, she is very persistent, creative and friendly. For example, what make me notice her characteristics is that interview were Mr Kahn is talking about her and saying that "she didn't just throw the towel at that point, but it was clear no one was gonna miss with this kid". In addition, the reason why Mr Kahn said is because, Nova tried out for the slam team freshman year, than Mr Kahn told her she did a great job but here being freshman will make others go a head of her to make the team because, they are upperclassman which means that they have more experience than her. Afterwards, they showed clip of Nova Venerable entering the tryouts. The reason how I know that Nova was trying out is, they took a close up shot of the blackbo ard were it showed a title of slam team try out and the word good luck which meant a good luck for the competitor. Then they showed an interview with her starting with clip of her looking down and reading a poem to herself at the tryout with her interview voice over the clip, as she said " I've written a lot about my dad I want to just get everything that I have to write about my dad out of the way, so I never write about him again". Then as she was saying that they cut to a shot of her clapping for the other competitors after they finish their poem. This showed me that Nova is persistent and active person because, when Mr Kahn told her that she is a freshman and she won't make it to the team, instead of her giving up she didn't, she showed up at the tryouts and read a great poem. To further cement this point, they showed a long shot of a clip of Mr Kahn and audience paying attention to nova while she was reading her poem. Then they jump right into a interview with Mr Kahn were he t alked about her, saying "what she writes about is hardcore raw stuff and she says it, she gets in that place so when she's on stage you're there with here". The scene that she show me that she is friendly is when her, Mr Kahn and the other members of the team sitting down together, in the scene the camera is at close up shot, Nova makes a joke when she asked "who do you want to hear of ?" by Mr Kahn, her reaction is she looks at everyone without her saying nothing and she says " non of them to be honest" then right after she says that she starts laughing and choses Angelo. To be sure, in that scene they cut to interview with Mr Kahn were he mentions how much Nova is friendly person by saying "we have fun in our slam team meeting and she'll joke around and kit around...". In this scene the music in the background and how they are jumping into clips after clips of her smiling then cutting to the interview of Mr Kahn shows me Nova is very loving person too. Another important scene that show me that she is a loving person is, the scene right after when she finishes her part time job and comes home. This scene starts with over the shoulder shot of Nova's there is also music at the background she is cleaning dishes everything is chill which seem to me very fascinating because, it shows how Nova's family are close and how much they take care of each other. Especially, when nova warns here brother from touching the fan that he is trying to reach. Her brother Cody had his first seizure when he was a baby were they took him to the emergency then the doctors reveal that he has Fragile
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Pacific Dogwood essays
Pacific Dogwood essays The pacififc dogwood is also known as the Western Flowering Dogwood or the Mountain Dogwood. The name "dogwood" is thought to be related to the early use of hardwood trees because the wood was considered skewers of "dags" and over time "dagwood" became "dogwood". Structure of the tree, leaf, stem, flower, fruit, and bark~ The Pacific Dogwood can get up to about 15 meters in height or it can appear as small as a shrub. It grows where many hardwood trees cannot because it is successful in carrying out photosynthesis under only 1/3 of full sunlight making it shade tolerant. The wood is fine grained, hard and heavy. It is also prone to splitting, so it has limited and specialized uses. The leaves are about 6-11 cm wide and 3-7 cm long. They are simple and deciduous. Their shape is elliptical to obvoate or almost round and the edges are slightly wavy with 5-6 mm long veins on each side of the midveins. The color is usually shiny green and nearly hairless above with paler woolly hairs beneath. In Autumn, their pigmentation turns red and orange. The stems are slender with a light green color that becomes dark red or blackish with age. Each one is bent to prevent overlap with other flowers. The flowers are about 6 mm wide and have 4 greenish-yellow petals. Each cluster of about 20 flowers is bordered by 4-7 bracts (4-6 cm long). They are very large, elliptical, white (or pinkish) and petal-like. These bracts protect the flower clusters and attract pollinators. They do this by not falling off until every flower in their cluster is pollinated, thus they bloom for quite some time. The bracts have a notch at the top as a result of one seen on the pruplish bud before it forms. In Autumn, purplish-brown bracts form over next springs flower buds that will bloom from April to June and sometimes again in September. The fruit is a dense cluster of elongated red to scarlet drupes about  ½ an inch long. Each fruit contai...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Effects of Brand Local and Nonlocal Origin on Consumer Attitudes - The Thesis
Effects of Brand Local and Nonlocal Origin on Consumer Attitudes - The Case of Oil Change behavior of Passenger Cars Owners in Egypt - Thesis Example This is because studying and understanding the consumer behavior and purchasing habit of a group of consumers gives a marketer an idea of what to trade in. There are times that two marketers have traded in the same kind of product. However, one marketer experiences higher patronage than the other. In such a situation, it means that even with the same kind of product they are dealing in; there are some consumer preferences attached to certain aspects of the product. The oil marketing industry in Egypt is one market that has a lot to do with consumer preference for oil products. Investigations have shown that the country of origin of oil product is a major aspect of consideration for consumers. This paper is therefore being written as a research paper to study the consumer behavior of automobile users in Egypt to identify aspects of oil products that they have preferences for and the ones they less have preference for. Specifically, the aspect of oil product to be considered will be country of origin. More specifically, the paper shall investigate factors and conditions that inform their line of purchase and how marketers can take advantage of this line of purchase. Even though works of literature portray general preference for nonlocal products in most Arab and developing countries, the specific country of consideration in this paper is Egypt. Even in Egypt, the line of product to be considered is refined oil product; though the writer admits that there exists preference for other lines of product such as food, clothes and textiles. The general trend and attitude behind the way and manner consumers make purchases of products and services is very crucial to marketers. It serves as indicators for what a marketer should trade in and why. Perner (2009) explains consumer behavior as â€Å"the psychological processes that consumers go through in
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 17
Leadership - Essay Example An example of a transformational leader motivating followers is M. Fethullah GÃ ¼len. He has convinced a movement in Turkey promoting a different kind of Islam. GÃ ¼len motivates his followers with education, a promise of peace, and tolerance. He has built education centers world wide. These educational centers are based on the Islam faith, but do not require students to be Muslim. GÃ ¼len teaches of respect among all religions, Christian, Muslim, or Jewish. Dialogue should be shared among all. Many of GÃ ¼len’s student and followers are motivated by the thought of peace between the religions and furthering of education. The vision is also important. Anyone can say they want to go to the moon, but it takes a leader to get followers to build a rocket ship. The vision must be practical and achievable, with benefits for the followers. It might be impossible to those not wanting change, but GÃ ¼len’s vision is achievable. Thousands of Muslims have heeded GÃ ¼len’s cause of non-violence. GÃ ¼len’s followers believe Islam is a religion and a way of life, just like Islamic terrorists. However, his followers believe that terror or forcing Islam on other cultures is morally wrong. GÃ ¼len’s vision is being carried out, maybe not by every Muslim, but by a good following in Turkey. Hopefully one day Muslims can achieve a lasting peace with each other and the world through transformational leaders like
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Eriksons Theory Essay Example for Free
Eriksons Theory Essay When discussing the development theory, Erikson had been the frontier with many major contributions. Unlike Freud and Piaget, Erikson’s theory of development focused much more on social interactions. While most of us agreed that children do become toilet-trained between ages one and three, Erikson’s theory also went further to acknowledge that children also learn to talk, walk, feed themselves, etc. In order to understand Erikson’s theory of development, we need to focus on three main principles: dynamic balance of opposites, vital involvement and life in time. Dynamic balance of opposites: There are two opposing tendencies in dynamic balance of opposites: dystonic (negative) and syntonic (positive). Erikson believed there were eight stages, and at each one, the individual resolved a crisis between the positive (syntonic) and negative (dystonic) tendencies (Erikson Kivnick 1986). A resolution of crisis does not mean that a person rejects either syntonic or dystonic completely, but rather that a person should find a balance between two of those tendencies. For instance, our American culture has frequently taught parents to never say â€Å"no†to their children because that could potentially damage a child’s self-esteem. However, Erikson would disagree and say that children do need to hear â€Å"no†sometimes to understand that the whole world does not revolve around them. Erikson would also say that telling the child â€Å"no†all of the time is bad as well. Vital involvement depends on the balance of syntonic and dystonic tendencies. Vital Involvement: Erikson developed eight stages of development. First, the trust versus mistrust stage, where infants start to learn that either the world is good and can be trusted, or is bad and can’t be trusted (Erikson 1986). For instance, Erikson would state that babies learn to trust their caregivers for not letting them go hungry, but babies also learn to mistrust their caregivers for yelling at them and not feeding them consistently. Second, the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage where children learn about their own â€Å"selves†which is separate from their caregivers (Erikson 1986). In this stage, children usually develop their own will and desires and apply them well by saying â€Å"no†. When children start to feel comfortable using â€Å"no†as a way to reach their desires, they have reached the initiative versus guilt stage. In this stage, children learn to internalize values from the elder and also acquire the sense of guilt for wrongdoing. The next stage is industry versus inferiority where children explore the greater world in elementary school and their surroundings. Erikson did pay a lot of attention in the identity versus confusion stage because it focuses on adolescents and their identity crisis. Fidelity is the heart of identity because adolescents share some of their parent’s values, as well as develop their own. The last three stages include intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and integrity versus despair. Each of these stages focuses greatly on the continuity of human development until death. Erikson recognized that there are certain time periods when it might be easier for some to develop and harder for others to develop, depending on the environment that influence them. For instance, some children who faced hardships (family separation, family violence, etc.) might have trouble in certain stages or even all of the stages, depending on where the factors start. Life in time: Erikson referred to his theory of development as epigenesis. Epigenesis is relevant to evolution (the past and the future) and genetics. Erikson explained, â€Å"†¦epi can mean ‘above’ in space as well as ‘before’ in time, and connected with genesis can well represent the space-time nature of all development†(Erikson 1986). Erikson did not refer epigenetic to individual genetic make-up and how it influences individual development. Rather, Erikson was concerned with how personality and behavior is influenced after birth and so on. For instance, my mother has had a hard time adjusting with American culture when we first migrated here from Vietnam. My sister and I started to adapt to the new culture right awayâ€â€from clothing style, hairstyle, hobbies, etc. in which my mother had a very difficult time to accept. She wanted us to keep our traditional customs at home, as well as outside our home. At first, we felt reluctant because we felt she did not understand the importance of â€Å"fitting-in†at school. However, as we started college, my sister and I started to realize that our culture and traditions are unique and understand where my mother was coming from (Identity/ confusion stage). Conclusion: Erikson had dedicated his life by contributing to developmental psychology in major ways. Erikson’s theory of development is still widely used and studied by many scholars.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Global Warming Essay -- Environmental Global Climate Change
Global Warming The 19th as well as the 20th century have been the most prolific time periods in modern history as concerns science, technology and socio-economic development. Within these two centuries we witnessed the discovery of electricity, the invention of the engine which played a very important role in the maturity of the well-known industrial revolution. Through this revolution people began to live in a more decent and comfortable manner; new commodities were produced and entire new kinds of industry were developed. Although all these inventions, discoveries and scientific breakthroughs improved in an outstanding way our well-being, they also provided us with some troubles that scientists had never foreseen or even imagined. One of the major setbacks of this technological evolution is the change of the World’s climate: the so-called Global Warming. Global warming is a very strange phenomenon which consists in the increase of the World’s average temperature. Scientists after very precise historical observations and measurements have reached the conclusion that the global average temperature has increased by about 0.5 degree centigrade over the past 100 years. The likelihood that this global warming is due primarily to natural variability is low. Scientists believe that this global warming trend is a direct consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect. The notion of an "enhanced" greenhouse effect refers primarily to the incremental global warming caused by the rising concentrations of human-introduced greenhouse gases over and above the greenhouse effect caused by naturally occurring greenhouse gases. Although there exist large uncertainties, scientists suggest that the emissions of greenhouse gases could, by the end of the next century, lead to an increase in global temperatures of about 1 to 4 degree centigrade. This global warming tendency can cause a significant worldwide climate change. Human society is highly dependent on the Earth's climate. Climate patterns and human adaptations determine the availability of food, fresh water, and other resources for sustaining life. The social and economic characteristics of society have also been shaped largely by adapting to the seasonal and year-to-year patterns of temperature and rainfall. Some potential effects associated with climate change concern, first of all, the water resources. The qu... ...g from December 1 to 11, 1997, more than 160 nations met in Kyoto, Japan, to negotiate binding limitations on greenhouse gases for the developed nations, pursuant to the objectives of the Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992. The outcome of the meeting was the Kyoto Protocol, in which the developed nations agreed to limit their greenhouse gas emissions, relative to the levels emitted in 1990. The agreement calls on both developed and developing countries to take a number of steps including: formulating and implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation measures; cooperating in development and transfer of environmentally reliable, climate friendly technologies; and cooperating in research and observation of climate science, impacts and response strategies. As a conclusion I would like to say that scientific and industrial advance can be of great help in order to improve and develop our every day life as well as our society but on the other hand can be offensive and even destructive towards our future. I think we should support any effort that is made for enriching our knowledge and expertise without however compromise our future and the future of our children.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay
My philosophy in nursing is the devotion to deliver the utmost personal patient care I am capable of delivering to the ill, may it be physically, mentally, or emotional, as well as to the challenged in time of need. In order to define my philosophy of nursing, I had to take time out and re-examine my value system, and my beliefs. As I think about it I know I am a caring and compassionate nurse. I reminisced back to the late 70’s, my upbringing in foreign countries and having been exposed to diverse cultures, I quickly learned to revert back to the customs instilled in me by my parents and family. My mores and values of caring with my dedication indeed make a difference. With this valued exposure in my young life, these core values of nursing the beliefs instilled in me were defined by family and friends and peers and my personal as well as professional growth which made me the person I am today. Chitty defines philosophy as â€Å"philosophy is the study of principles underlying conduct, thought, and the nature of the universe†(p. 31), and Merriam-Webster more clearly defines states â€Å"pursuit of wisdom, the search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather the observational needs†(online dictionary). That’s me. I strongly belief in modern medicine and the advancements in technology, therefore it is crucial for me to keep up on current trends, translate procedures, the use of new equipment and what to expect for my patients. I respect the patient’s autonomy and their ethical behaviors. With empathy and care, I am their advocate; I am their voice when he/she is unable to speak, it is my therapeutic touch they feel and I am part of their treatment team. It is my commitment to my patient, to the organization, and my value system. I believe in the mandatory continuing education process for nurses. In order to deliver proficient patient care it is of utmost importance to me in order to remain educated on current research and trends. Keeping up with federal regulations on HIPAA gives me the power to educate my patient and to assure them that their privacy is protected and secured. The updates from the Center of Disease Control allow me to deliver the appropriate care patient specific and as well as protect my self from exposures. I am able to explain to my patient why I am wearing a mask, a gown, or why I am red-bagging all his linens. The patient does indeed ask â€Å"silent questions†being observant by their facial expressions I can be honest and educated with my rationales. I also belief in holistic nursing; encompassing, and â€Å"nourishing the whole person, that is the body, mind and spirit†(Chitty, 2007, p 312) as well as in holistic medicine â€Å"nontraditional forms of medicine that consider the whole person rather the disease or groups of diseased organs, it also considers the body, mind, emotion, spirit connection†(Powell, p 504). It is my responsibility in incorporate gained knowledge, skills, and resources to improve my patient’s quality of life. I strongly feel and believe that every person should be covered under universal Health Care. However, Governmental constraints along with guidelines and monetary reimbursements do not allow for additional hospital stays. I am the advocate for my patient, and as a Case Manager, I will assure that to find assistance for the patient to have someone caring for him/her at home due to early discharge. We, society, neglect to accept the reality that our patient population is getting older and their healthcare needs are more serious and demanding. I realize that professional nursing draws upon the related disciplines of natural and social sciences and humanities, and it is my contribution as a nurse to the best of my abilities to facilitate maximum functional health status for my patient by collaborating with the treatment team, families, groups and the community. It is my duty and commitment as a nurse to uphold my philosophy of nursing. I continue to evaluate my mores and values and seek to continue my education, I will advocate for my patient. I will continue to care for myself, to adhere to healthy lifestyle practices and to maintain my physical, mental and emotional health in order to continue to provide care to my patients with dignity and respect. References Chitty, K.K. (2007). Professional Nursing Concepts & Challenges (5th ed.). St. Louis: ElsevierInc. Retrieved October 3, 2008 from University of Phoenix Library. Philosophy: (2008). In Merriam-Webster online Dictionary. Retrieved October 2, 2008, from http:///, S.K. (2000) Nursing Case Management: A practical guide to success in managed care(2nd ed.), Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Nike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies - 693 Words
Nike Feedback and Evaluation Strategies Figure 1 - Nike Sports Performance Laboratory (Nelab, 2012) Nike is the worlds largest sports and fitness companies, earning fourteen billion dollars in revenue and has one of the worlds most identifiable logos the swoosh (Financial Review, N.d.). Research and development is conducted by the Nike Sports Research Laboratory (NSRL) and is located on the Nike campus in Portland, Oregon. At this facility, Nike engineers study all facets of athletes and their performance to produce models that help them in RD (Hooge, 2011). Nike continues to push the envelope in regards to maximizing athlete performance through the goods they engineer and produce. With some many competitors in the athletic performance equipment industry, imitation is often a common strategy for many companies. Therefore for Nike to maintain its competitive advantage it must invest heavily in research and development, market positioning, and marketing (Buderi, N.d.). Nikes products must stay ahead of the competition in ter ms of quality and design or else they will not have to be able to maintain their differentiation strategy and lose their premium pricing status in the marketplace. Nike is constantly conducting organization research and evaluation management to analyze it position and for use in decision making (Burress, 2011). Not only does the company have access to some of the business worlds top talent, but it also has a staff of professional athletesShow MoreRelatedAssignment For Unit 10 Market Research 1119 Words  | 5 Pagescarry out research 4 Be able to interpret research findings VOCATIONAL CONTEXT/SCENARIO FOR ASSIGNMENT (See specification guidance) JD Sports have negotiated a potentially profitable deal with Nike. Nike will supply at lower than normal prices to JD Sports a range of â€Å"Classic†trainers such as the Nike Air Flight Classic if they buy in quantity. 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